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JU E unit Question & Solution2021-2022 English

Jahangirnagar University 

E- Unit

Session : 2021-2022 [Set- F]

Instruction: Answer the next three (26-28) questions based on the following passage.

Improving your communication skills may be the single most important step you can take in your career. You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but they are worthless unless you can express them to your company or your career if you can't express them clearly and persuasively. Some jobs, such as sales and customer support, are primarily about communicating. In fields such as engineering or finance, you often need to share complex ideas with executives, customers, colleagues and your ability to connect with people outside your field can be as important as your technical expertise. If you have the entrepreneurial urge, you will need to communicate with a wide range of audiences, from investors, bankers and government regulators to employees, customers and business partners. As you take on leadership and management roles, communication becomes even more important. higher you in an organization, the less time you will spend using the technical skills of your particular profession and the more time you will spend communicating.

26.The passage describes : 

A. The ways of gathering efficiency in communication

B. Importance of communication in social life. 

C. Importance of communication in career.

D. All of the above.

Ans- c

27. Communication skill is a primary requirement for___________.

A. Engineers

B. Finance managers

C. Customer support 

D. Entrepreneurs


28. Which type of employees spend more time in communication ?

A. Lower-middle level

B. Mid-level managers

C. Top level managers 

D. Entrepreneurs

Ans- C

29. To get cheap pencils, buy them_________

the gross.

A. in

B. by

C. at

D. from

Ans- A

30. The peasant refused to grovel_______ the feet of his master.

A. at

B. on

C. above 

D. upon

Ans- A

Ans: A.

31. Select the correctly spelled word: 

A. Adventitious 

B. Adventitus

C. Adventitous

D. Adventituous

Ans- A

32. Select the correctly spelled word:

A. Acquiesce 

B. Acquiasce

C. Acuiasce

D. Acquiese

Ans- A

33. Select the correctly spelled word:

 A. Bureaucracy

B. Breaucracy

C. Bureucracy

D. Bureukracy

Ans- A

34. Which of the following sentences is correct? 

A. Come back in an hour time.

B. Come back in one hour about.

C. Come back in about one hour time. 

D. Come back in an hour's time.

Ans- D

35.Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. People, who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains, show little respect for other passengers.

B. People, who talk loudly on their cell phone in crowded trains, show little respect for other passengers.

C. People who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains show little respect for other passengers.

D. People, who talk loudly, on their cell phone in crowded trains show little respect for other passengers.

Ans- C

36. The word "PRECIPITOUS" is similar to:

A. very steep

B. calm

C. gradual

D. exact

Ans. A

37. The word "CONGREGATE" is similar to:

A. hurry

B. worship

C. disturb

D. gather

Ans. D

38. The word "QUIESCENT" is opposite to:

A. weak

B. unconcerned

C. active 

D. dormant

Ans- C

39. The word "APPROBATE" is opposite to:

A. ingratitude

B. condemn


D. master

Ans- B

40. Although he never learn to read, his exceptional memory and enquiring mind eventually made him a very______man.

A. dedicated

B. benevolent

C. erudite

D. pragmatic

Ans- C

41.Membership in the United Nations is open to all nations ________in the United Nations Charter.

A. who agree to abide by the conditions

 B. that agree to abide by the conditions

C. abiding by the conditions

D. with conditions of agreement

Ans. B

42. The Paralympics is competition for the_____.

A. disadvantaged

B. disabled

C. discouraged

D. despised

Ans. B

43. The analogous pair of -MONK:DEVOTION is:

A. maniac: pacifism

B. plan: negation

C. rover: wanderlust 

D. philistine: culture

Ans. C

44. The analogous pair of - BURGLAR: STEAL is:

A. arbitrator: orient 

B. arbitrator: paint

C. arbitrator : direct

D. arbitrator: judge

Ans. D

45. I am rather busy. The underlined word is a/an :


B. adjective

C. adverb

D. verb

Ans. চ

JU-English -E unit 

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